Skipping the Chemicals

Skipping the Chemicals

  • Potential Benefits of EMDR Therapy for People with PTSD

    Posttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, affects approximately 8 percent of people in the United States at some time in their lives. It's more common in women, with about 10 percent having this condition at some time, and in those who have served in the military, with up to 20 percent experiencing this condition at some point. Various types of treatment have been tried to help those with PTSD. One of the treatments recommended by the American Psychiatric Association, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Veterans Affairs is eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing, or EMDR.

  • Anti-Aging Hair Serums: Are They Worth The Cost?

    More and more manufacturers are creating anti-aging hair serums that claim to rejuvenate aging hair that has become dull and unmanageable. Before running out to purchase the first serum on the shelf, you might want to determine if these products are worth the cost. Here is an overview of anti-aging hair serums, so you can make an informed decision: How serums are reported to work There are many different hair serums on the market, all which work in similar manners.

  • Five Lesser-Known Immunity-Boosting Fruits And Veggies

    Do you tend to get sick often? Working on your diet may be the best way to change that trend. When you think of fruits and veggies that are good for boosting immunity, what comes to mind? Most people will think of citrus fruits that help fight colds. Yet, these are far from the only foods that contain immune-boosting nutrients. Here's a look at five other fruits and veggies that are excellent immunity boosters.

  • 3 Natural Options for Reducing Anxiety Symptoms

    While surprising to hear, there are over 100 physical symptoms of anxiety. From dizziness and chest pains to gastrointestinal issues and insomnia, these symptoms are difficult for many. Not only will these physical symptoms cause you to experience more stress, but they can also lead to more serious health problems. Fortunately, relieving your anxiety quickly is possible without the use of prescription medications. Using these natural options, you can reduce the emotional and physical symptoms of your anxiety.

  • The 101 On A Lumbar Laminectomy For Spinal Stenosis And Tips For Recovery

    Characterized by a narrowing of the spaces between the spine due to osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis can wreak havoc on a person's physical and emotional health. Not only does the condition create pressure in the spine, but it can also lead to painful nerve damage. Due to this pain and discomfort, many patients are unable to complete simple daily tasks such as walking, bathing, or dressing. Fortunately, a lumbar laminectomy offers an 80 percent success rate at relieving pressure in the spine and increasing the ability to walk.

  • About Me

    Skipping the Chemicals

    I have always struggled with allergies, and it has been a huge challenge in my life. When I was a baby, I was allergic to milk and grains, which made it hard for my parents to give me the nutrition that I needed. As an adult, I have also been diagnosed with allergies to several medications, which has made it hard to get medical care. Fortunately, a few years ago I found an alternative solution to my woes. My friend recommended a natural health care clinic, and I was able to use it to avoid common medications that I was allergic to. This blog is all about the benefits of skipping the chemicals and using natural health care remedies.
