Skipping the Chemicals

Skipping the Chemicals

The 101 On A Lumbar Laminectomy For Spinal Stenosis And Tips For Recovery

by Ellie Mitchelle

Characterized by a narrowing of the spaces between the spine due to osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis can wreak havoc on a person's physical and emotional health. Not only does the condition create pressure in the spine, but it can also lead to painful nerve damage. Due to this pain and discomfort, many patients are unable to complete simple daily tasks such as walking, bathing, or dressing. Fortunately, a lumbar laminectomy offers an 80 percent success rate at relieving pressure in the spine and increasing the ability to walk. Using this guide, you will understand this surgical procedure and learn the best tips for an effective, efficient recovery.

Lumbar Laminectomy 101

There are a few surgical options to treat your spinal stenosis. However, the lumbar laminectomy is the most traditional surgery for spinal stenosis.

During the procedure, the surgeon enlarges the spinal cord cavity by removing the lamina, which is the part of the vertebra that covers the spinal canal. This increased space relieves pressure on the spine and nerves, decreasing pain and increasing mobility.

Also known as decompression surgery, the lumbar laminectomy is an invasive procedure that requires proper recovery for success.

Lumbar Laminectomy Recovery

In most cases, you will remain in the hospital for a few days after surgery. While you will feel some post-operative pain, light medication will be administered to allow you the opportunity to do some light walking the evening after your surgery.

Various forms of physical therapy will be necessary once discharged from the hospital. Occupational and physical therapy increases your mobility through strength and endurance exercises, but also teaches you how to complete daily tasks that you were unable to do with the spinal stenosis pain. Exercises may involve not only walking each day, but also abdominal stretches to strengthen your body's core. In  addition, physical therapy, such as at Advanced Physical Therapy Of South Jersey, offers a variety of pain management options.

Also, Here are a few forms of therapy to consider after your lumbar laminectomy:

  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Weight Training
  • Yoga
  • Hydrotherapy such as ice packs, saunas, and soaks in a jetted tub
  • Massage

Total recovery time depends on a few factors including your age, pain tolerance, and the ability to perform recommended exercises after spinal stenosis surgery. On average, a complete recovery occurs 3 months or more after a lumbar laminectomy.

Spinal stenosis is a serious condition that involves pain, loss of mobility, and stress due to the physical changes. Using this guide on the surgical procedure and recovery, you will be able to decide if the lumbar laminectomy is the right option for you. 


About Me

Skipping the Chemicals

I have always struggled with allergies, and it has been a huge challenge in my life. When I was a baby, I was allergic to milk and grains, which made it hard for my parents to give me the nutrition that I needed. As an adult, I have also been diagnosed with allergies to several medications, which has made it hard to get medical care. Fortunately, a few years ago I found an alternative solution to my woes. My friend recommended a natural health care clinic, and I was able to use it to avoid common medications that I was allergic to. This blog is all about the benefits of skipping the chemicals and using natural health care remedies.
